
just like heaven

Hello... I hope you had a very happy Mother's Day weekend! Since our moms are both on the East coast, a friend and I decided to celebrate in-absentia yesterday so we took a little trip to the Farmers Market for lunch. The Farmers Market is so great - I'm really glad they didn't demolish it several years ago when they were planning The Grove. It was built in the 1930s, and LA doesn't really have many "historical" sights... and they seem to demolish so many interesting things, like the Brown Derby and most recently, the Ambassador Hotel. So we had a little lunch and listened to "Mario" sing Sinatra songs (w/ a South American accent)... there was a couple slow dancing, which was really sweet, and you wouldn't believe the cast of characters walking by - just amazing! We split some caramel-dipped marshmallows and took a trip to Monsieur Marcel's and Anthropologie.... it was a very nice celebration, though I wish my mom could have been with me...

Late yesterday a friend called to tell me about his fights with the squirrels... seems they'd been stealing his sunflowers, and he wanted to take a trip to OSH to find some way to put a stop to their antics. So I went along for the ride and while we were there, I decided to buy some paint for the studio. I'd been thinking about painting for awhile... I'd even had a dream about it. So while I was waiting for my friend, I decided to go for it. And I must have been really happy about it because after the nice man mixed the paint for me, I blurted out "oh, it's the color of the sky!", which startled both of us! So the studio is taking a new shape and color, and I just found out that they're putting in central air - wow. I can't tell you how excited I am to be heading into a summer of working in the cool air! I'm really glad I cleared out all the old stuff and made way for the new... the air is pouring in, and it's cool! And I can't wait to start painting... there are lots of orders to finish-up this week, so I'll keep you posted... have a happy Monday!

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